Sziget Festival will not take place in 2020

Sziget Festival
©Sziget Festival

The Hungarian government has just extended the ban on large-scale events until 15 August 2020, and due to this official prohibition, we are heartbroken to let you know that Sziget Festival cannot take place this year.

Sziget has always been special because of the atmosphere that our Szitizens, create and we are devastated that we won’t be able to see them on The Island of Freedom this summer. Sharing an unforgettable week with them is what keeps us going throughout the year and whilst our whole team has been working very hard on preparing for the festival, their Sziget adventure will now have to wait until 2021. As hard as it is, we believe that this decision best serves the safety of all of them and everyone working at our festival.

We would like to ask for patience whilst we work with our ticketing partners to prepare the arrangements for ticket buyers. We will share all of the details with them by email as soon as we can.

Sziget started out as a small gathering and over the last 28 years has grown to become an unbreakable family of Szitizens from all around the world. Although this year we cannot celebrate together in person, we know that the power of our community will help us through this!

Take care & keep in touch,
Sziget Press Team


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