BT releases brand new album… This is The Lost Art Of Longing!

©Black Hole Recordings

Today, Grammy-Nominated film composer, technologist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and trance music icon BT released his long-awaited new studio album “The Lost Art Of Longing”, his first dance music-oriented album in seven years!

“The Lost Art of Longing” is BT at his finest and finds a spot next to classic material including all-time greats ‘Ima,’ ‘ESCM’, and ‘Movement In Still Life.’ The album features 14 tracks that traverse the world of electronic dance music, from the cinematic ambiance of “Game Theory,” the progressive ‘Wildfire,’ ‘Walk Into The Water,’ ‘1AM in Paris’ and ‘Windows,’ the breakbeat wallop of ‘The Light Is Always On’ and ‘The War,’ the electro/synth inspired ‘Weltanschauung,’ the brooding trance of ‘No Warning Lights’ with Emma Hewitt, to the electronic lullaby “Save Me.’

“The Lost Art of Longing” is BT’s ode to the things in life that have a deep personal significance and meaning that are becoming archaic, antiquated, even extinct. The handwritten love letter, a rotary telephone, a book, early computers, vintage synthesizers, telephone wires, typewriters… all in sheds or garages, landfills, and other places… slowly decaying and being forgotten. There are love stories in there, stories of war and triumph, and courage and tragedy. People’s stories. Things that should be remembered.

Sounds amazing right? Time to press play here!


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