HUGO BOSS launches BOSS Made to Measure in Belgium


HUGO BOSS is pleased to announce the launch of BOSS Made to Measure in Belgium. Engineered with passion and precision, all suits are made in Germany at the HUGO BOSS headquarters in Metzingen, where ultramodern tailoring methods combine with exquisite craftsmanship in the unique BOSS art of tailoring. Cut according to precise individual measurements from head to toe. 

Explore here the pictures of the re:lounge ‘Hugo Boss Store Antwerp’

Pictures © Emmanuel De Prycker / TMM MEDIA

 The essence of BOSS Made to Measure lies in an individually customized service at every stage, from fitting to delivery. It begins with the selection of fabrics – from a library of approximately 250 options. Suit buttons in nuanced colors, including mother-of pearl, vegetable ivory and buffalo horn, act as elegant points of difference. Shirts can be customized down to the last detail, from a precisely defined cut to the form of the collar. 

In line with the uniqueness of this service, each suit is complete with the wearer’s signature, precisely replicated using laser technology and stitched into the interior of the jacket and the inner waistband. 

The newly renovated BOSS store in Antwerp now features a Made to Measure room that offers customers an intimate environment and affords them the undivided attention of our Made to Measure specialist. The BOSS Store in Antwerp is the first BOSS store in the Benelux that offers the Made to Measure service.

Customers interested to experience BOSS Made to Measure can make an appointment by contacting the store. 

BOSS Store Antwerp

Huidevettersstraat 45

2000 Antwerp

+32(0)3 23 366 05


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